How We Work
Since its inception, the State of Illinois has made significant strides to clean its air, however, levels of air pollution in Chicago and Metro-East St. Louis areas still exceed the ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS). Additionally, the Illinois Vehicle Emissions Inspection Law of 2005 (625 ILCS 5/13C) requires a vehicle emissions inspection program to reduce air pollution from motor vehicles in certain designated non-attainment areas in the State of Illinois. For these reasons, the Illinois Vehicle Emissions Testing Program is part of the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (Illinois EPA) strategy to reduce air pollution in Illinois and bring the Chicago and Metro-East areas into attainment of ozone NAAQS.
Pursuant to the federal Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. §7401), Illinois Vehicle Emissions Inspection Law of 2005 (625 ILCS 5/13C), Title 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 51 Subpart S and Part 85 Subpart W, Title 35 Illinois Administrative Code (Ill. Adm. Code) Parts 240 and 276, and all other applicable laws, rules, requirements, and guidance, the Illinois EPA oversees its Vehicle Emissions Program with all testing sites and testing conducted by its contractor. The Illinois enforces the vehicle emissions inspection requirement by partnering with the Illinois Secretary of State’s Office to deny vehicle license plate registrations to non-complying vehicles.
Most 1996 and newer gasoline-powered passenger and light duty vehicles are subject to emissions inspections after they are four years old (e.g. 2012 vehicles are being inspected in 2016 for the first time). Light heavy-duty vehicles <14,000 pounds that are model year 2006 or newer are also subject to testing. Typically, vehicles subject to testing are made eligible to test approximately four (4) months prior to the inspection month coinciding with the expiration date of the vehicle license plate. Typically, even model-year vehicles are inspected during even years, and odd model-year vehicles are inspected in odd years.